Today was the day that most kids headed back to school. Mine did too in a sense...we homeschool, so today was kind of our "kick-off".
Whether you homeschool, or send your kids off to school, this time of year can sometimes feel overwhelming. At least it is for me {hence the sparse posts right now}.
To "help" in making things easier, I wanted to let you know about a Back to School Series over at Here Comes the Sun. It's a series that just began this week and will go on for two weeks, sharing a bit of to manage a schedule, school organization techniques, cute crafts and much more!
And...yours truly will be guest posting in this series! Even if you don't have kids in school, there are already and are going to be some really great posts.
I hope your September is off to an awesome start! Thanks for "bearing" with me as I transition into the fun adventures of school and fall with all four of the kids home.

yay! I'm stoked about this series! I'll be reading!