Mr. P and I were blessed to get away to see our dear friends in Madison this last weekend - without the kids! We are really blessed to have my mom and my brother to always be so willing to watch our kids for us.
I was so excited to getaway without the kids, but when it came down to actually leaving, it was so hard!
Am I the only mom this happens to? You dream of just having a weekend away with your husband, or for a girl getaway, but when it comes time to leave it just breaks your heart? Despite being a mom for 9 years now, and 4 kids under my belt, leaving the kids is still so hard.
It never fails...the day you are due to leave the kids are perfect little angels, and so sweet, and so snugly...
My hubby managed to get me into the car after a few rounds of hugs and kisses for our four hour journey across Wisconsin.
The drive was beautiful {for the first couple hours}. And then I got bored {happens to me on long car rides without the kids}...was it that I didn't have anyone to "serve", or nobody to tell they need to stop fighting?
Chat hubby's ear off...check!
Change the radio station and/or ipod dozens and dozens of times...check!
Push every button in my hubby's car multiple times...check!
Require bathroom breaks...check!
Stop for snack/something to eat...check!
Whine for a drink because snack made me thirsty...
I was told I was worse to ride with than a wild four year old...
We did have an awesome weekend though. I got to help my friend make some fabric selections for a new sectional {which I love doing}. We made a trip to the mall. Met the "guys" for lunch, and took in a movie. We had a great dinner out at The Melting Pot {note to self: next time skip the whole meal and go straight to dessert because it's that good}. All in all it was a calm relaxing weekend and we simply enjoyed spending time together.
The journey back was equally beautiful {I love the gorgeousness of fall}.
I did my best to behave and not be so annoying. I also endured listening to the MN Vikings game on the radio... {honestly, I'd rather shove pencils in my ears than listen to sports on the radio...}.
We safely completed our journey and were greeted with excited {and some screaming} kids and great big hugs....followed by some tattling, tantrums, sibling fights...
And within 15 minutes I was ready for another "kid-less" escape. How soon can until our next getaway???